pay it forward
So, I got this from a friend. The first 3 people to leave a comment on this post will receive a hand made gift from me during this year. When and what will be a surprise! There's a small catch...You knew there would be didn't you? Post this on your blog then come back and leave a comment, telling me you're in. Fun, huh? Remember, only the first 3 comments receive the gift. Let's see who likes surprises!!
: . i carry your heart with me, i carry it in my heart . :
-e.e. cummings
My Blog List
The Best of Amazon
[image: The Best of Amazon]
1 . Kitchen Scrub Brushes – Super useful and looks beautiful by your sink.
A win-win!
2. Vintage Inspired Rug – This rug line ...
4 years ago
November 8
I wish the election was over. I wish it was tomorrow so I could wake up and
it would all be done. I'm just so tired of everyone fighting, of everyone
8 years ago
Brianna and Mason {August 20, 2016}.
What a beautiful day to get married!! Yeah, it was a little sticky and
humid... BUT the lighting, the clouds, the bright blue sky and this
beautiful cou...
8 years ago
Crockpot Beef Stew
Back in November I was having a major hankering for beef stew. But like...
blow your socks off, sit-me-by-a-fire-and-never-get-up-again beef stew. I
have ...
9 years ago
Halloween Party 2014
I don't know when I decided to throw a Halloween Party every year but now
it's tradition! I LOVE dressing up (can't say the same for Tyson) and I
love pa...
10 years ago
sugar pushers
j and i just came off 6 weeks of no added sugar. it actually wasn't as hard
as i thought it would be. before i committed to the challenge i would hav...
10 years ago
Hollands Journey Begins
So now that we are home and things have kind of started to calm down a
little bit (and by that I mean as calm as things can get having a newborn
and a 2 ye...
10 years ago
January photos
Here are lots of photos from January- enjoy!
Teddy's Christmas present from Uncle Steven and Aunt Natalie- he loved it!
How I found Teddy when I as...
11 years ago
Eleanor at 1 month!
I can't believe that it has been a month since we welcomed our little girl
into this world. It has flown by! Some days feel long of course, but most
days f...
11 years ago
Summer 2013
I meant to post pictures all summer and never got around to it, but here
are some of the fun things we did.
We took Jett to the Discovery Gateway Children'...
11 years ago
The arrival of Jane Nancy Long!!
March 23, 2013 @ 6:30 pm
8 lbs 14 oz, 22 inches
11 years ago
Catching up
Since I'm the worst blogger ever I decided it's time to try and catch up so
our loved ones far away can see what we've been up to. So excuse my photo
12 years ago
Kenai and Homer
My parents came to visit us in September and we had SO much fun!! One of
the things we did while they were here was drive to Kenai and Homer. They
are two ...
12 years ago
Emily's Blessing
It has been a buys weekend at our house! Today we were able to bless our
little angel at church and had Ricky's parents in town for the special
occasion. I...
12 years ago
Man I have not posted in forever! Either because I am taking care of my
little turd or attempting to sleep! And sorry there are no pics they are
all on mat...
12 years ago
Love Thy Neighbor
Sometimes I think it was divine intervention that we bought the house that
we did. Because I truely do love our neighbors and I couldnt imagine living
12 years ago
The Letter "B"
"B" has always been a significant letter in our house but this year it has
taken on a whole new meaning! First for Boise. In December Meghan was
offered a ...
12 years ago
Freezer Paper Stencil
*Freezer Paper Stencils*
1. Choose a design for your shirt. Choose something that is solid shape,
like a silhouette. You may choose to do words as well b...
12 years ago
Happy New Year!
Wow, what a great year it has been! We have been so blessed and I am so
grateful for all that we have. I am so excited for what 2012 has in store
for us. H...
13 years ago
2011 Mormon Tabernacle Christmas Concert
I know its been a while since we have posted. I thought this would be a
first post back. We had the chance if attending the Christmas concert put
on by t...
13 years ago
A Wisconsin Thanksgiving
This was our 2nd annual Wisconsin Thanksgiving. Austin and Natalie were so
nice to invite us again this year for Thanksgiving. We absolutely love
going to...
13 years ago
Our baby girl!
The majority was right!
Yesterday we had our 20 week ultrasound and found out we're having a baby
GIRL! It was funny though because Sam texted me right bef...
13 years ago
New Blog
This blog is officially going to be stopped and we're moving over to our
new blog.
New website:
Go there. Follow us. We lov...
13 years ago
so long
... farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu
(adieu, adieu... to you and you and you)
once upon a time there was a tiny blogger girl. she loved all things
13 years ago
eight months already??!!
Cannot believe my sweet tiny baby has grown up so much!
13 years ago
Can you believe that we have already been married for 1 whole year?? It has
gone by so fast and it has been amazing! We both LOVE being married..People
13 years ago
It's time for a change! It has been a BIG year already! Ricky and I are
making lots of changes. We've added a new member to our family, moved back
to Rexbu...
13 years ago
OBAGI (oh.bah.jee)
so has anyone heard of this skincare company? My father in law recently
went into business with them and I just got a big huge starter kit for
their Obagi ...
14 years ago
Another Milestone....
I finally attempted to put Kate's hair in pigtails. I was suprised how
little it took. A new episode of Sesame Street and a few Skittles and...
14 years ago
Issues With My Blog
If you have noticed, I have had HUGE issues with my blog. I RUINED IT!! So,
I made a new blog! It is **. Add this
new bl...
14 years ago
Catching up
It feels like a lot has happened this summer. It has been so busy that I
didn't make time to put an entry together...Where to start...
Theo and I had our t...
14 years ago
Big Things Happening . . .
This will be the very last time I blog on Rachel’s Blizog (blog name
courtesy of Pace). So everyone change your google reader to:
14 years ago
Austin and Alayne Blackwell
I like how Ive had this for a long time but this is only my fourth post..
Well everyone I am officially Alayne Blackwell now, I recievied my name
14 years ago
Jake got braces the last week of April!!!! He thought is got off lucky
because at first they didn't hurt. He even went to football practice that
night. Lat...
14 years ago
And We're Walking!
Yes, it's true, Landon has officially started walking on his 11 month
birthday today! Sorry for the bad picture quality- this video was taken
with Jeremy's...
15 years ago
Can't talk right now........
(I know everyone at school is going to hate me for this, but they all know
me well enough to know I don't care!!)
15 years ago
More Pics of our first run on the lake for 2009
Tara and I at the boat launch
The boat is finally in the water
Joey Wake Surfing
The house from the boat launch
15 years ago
Sam & Ginger - Jan. 08
Alright already, I know it's March but I'm just getting to January!
The New Year has been a flurry of activities, business and snow! It’s been
winter here ...
16 years ago
Yay! I'm #1! Can't wait to see my prize!
SO im number 2, im pumed.. i wonder what it will be..
I have a good thought
HOW ABOUT pictures from your wedding!!!!
HHAHAH love ya mel
Yay, lucky number three for me! :)
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