Friday, December 4, 2009

bangs or no bangs?

Ok... so I have been putting off getting my hair done for WAAAYYY to long.. so today is the day!
but I can't decide if I should do bangs or not, and Iv been itching for a new style so Im thinking I MIGHT chop it...

I can't decide! Give me some opinions please!!


Darren and Brandi said...

Hmm... not sure that I have an opinion... I don't think I could pull them off, but you know you'll look gorgeous either way! I can't wait to see them if you do!

Jeremy and Sam said...

Go for the bangs girl. You can totally rock em'

Dev & Di said...

I literally just got home from the salon and got straight bangs today haha... I was itching for a new style too!

Tyson and Lana Hansen said...

I LOVE bangs but not eveyone can pull them off-like me for example. I couldn't do the straight bangs (plus my husband doesn't like em). But I like em and I think they'd be cute on you, its just hard when you see them on a celeb and then they don't look the same on you. But I think you could :) do it!

J & J said...

i'm really dying here to see what you did to your hair. anything you do, you'll look hot. i will say, i do love having bangs. but sometimes i wish they were gone.

Jonno said...

Am I too late to vote?? Ha here's my vote for the next visit to the stylist-

GO FOR IT!! You would look awesome! And if not, you can always just push em to the side till they grow out again. :)

Jonno said...

oops! I just realized I'm signed in to my husband's name. ha!

Love, NANCY! :)

: . i carry your heart with me, i carry it in my heart . :
-e.e. cummings

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